
Tales of the Boojum

E-mail: comments (at)
Last Update: Monday, July 05, 2004 10:41 AM
What the heck is the Boojum anyway?
Read The Battle Net
Or read Lewis Carroll's The Hunting of the Snark

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Available Now from Third Millennium PublishingWelcome to Tales of the Boojum.

So, are you gonna order my novel or not?

It's called Wild Side of the Window: A Story of Boy-Meets-Girl, but Girl is Engaged to Someone Else, So Boy, Against his Better Judgment, Goes to Another Dimension to Find her Mirror Image but Gets Tangled Up in a Complex Web of Interdimensional Intrigue and Revolt. Personally, I think it's pretty good.

You can still read Parts 1 and 2 here at Tales of the Boojum, but you'll have to order the book from Third Millennium Publishing for Part 3. It's available for immediate download in PDF format, PalmPilot format, and MSReader format. The book is also available as a high-quality trade paperback. This costs more, but it's much cooler.

So, anyway, buy my book. Tell your friends to buy my book. And make sure they tell their friends to buy my book.

Okay, that was the pitch. There's plenty of other stuff here that you can read and enjoy for absolutely free. Thanks for visiting and thanks for coming back. Drop me a line if you get the chance. Nothing keeps me writing like hearing from my audience.

About Me
(About Me)

What's New

July 5, 2004 - Rob sent me a little scene featuring the gang from his Unlikely Heroes saga that tied into Collaborative/Just Plain Carnage. I finally got around to adding a short bit to it and posted it as an Untitled Bonus Chapter.

May 15, 2004 - It's ready; the first Mighty Thrusting Sword of Justice story. Agent, Dr. Flagg, Beef and Ubet discover that what their team lacks is a woman's touch. The usual chaos ensues as they set out to rectify matters in "The Applicants."

February 8, 2004 - Despite popular demand, I've written an all-new short story starring Elsie and Evette from Collaborative Carnage. It's called "The Truth Hurts" or "Romancing the Exposition Stone." It picks up where we left the girls at the end of Just Plain Carnage; off on new adventures in their own non-Collaborative Carnage, non-Diablo continuity.

Wild Side of the Window

R. Kane Adventures


Cat O' Nine Tales

a time-lost WWII French resistance fighter and her android lesbian lover' is just too cool a concept to leave on the back burner for too long.
Mighty Thrusting Sword of Justice Seldom Asked Questions

World of Diablo

Dumptruk logo.gif (4217 bytes) HellCraft_small.jpg (2411 bytes)
Val Halla logo small.jpg (3269 bytes) Collaborative Carnage: Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.

Links and Awards


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E-mail: comments (at)
Last update: Monday, July 05, 2004 10:41 AM
Tales of The and all the stories and text contained herein are ©1999 - 2004 by Steven Dong.
All music is the property of its composers, used by permission.